Landscape Traces

The ideea is to bring a tracemark from berliner landscape in Seinäjoki’s landscape. A poetical expression, collage on the streets from Seinäjoki but with a particular element from Berlin, “a manhole cover from Alexanderplatz”.
During my staying in Finland, I would like to do an Art Intervention in the Public Space of Seinäjoki, to make “a stamp” (actually a linolcut print, with the image of the manhole cover of a water canalisation from Berlin Alexanderplatz and to stick it on the Streets Paviment in Seinäjoki in a famous market or in a very populated place.
I would like to bring a new touch from Berlin in the landscape of Seinäjoki, with an element from there.
The linocut as a serial print technique printed on paper and those images stuck or montated on the manholes covers from Seinäjoki, as a platform where other traces, shoeprints from passangers can be left it on it.
A grafical element (black/white) integrated in the dark heavy gray from the wintertime in Seinäjoki, and hopefully with snow once in a while.
The linolcut grafik as a new expression, going out from the formal way of presentation “white cube” and becoming a part of public place. This is a phenomenon which interested me.
This interventions in public space, is an extending of my experience from everydaylife, as a dialog between the new experience in Finland and my everyday life in Berlin, when I ride the bicycle through Alexanderplatz and I see those images so oft there.